Sussex Pond Pudding

Not much comes out of a Sussex pond that is edible, except carp, described by Izaak Walton in The Compleat Angler as “A stately, a good, and a very subtle fish.” Then there is the lemon, which on occasion emerges from a certain sumptuous pudding. Continue reading Sussex Pond Pudding

Dessert Island Dishes (6) – Odoriferous Durian Ice Cream

Surely everyone knows about an Asian fruit whose smell is so offensive that it is banned on buses, trains, taxis, and aeroplanes, and hotel-doormen bar entry to anyone trying to smuggle one into their establishment? Continue reading Dessert Island Dishes (6) – Odoriferous Durian Ice Cream

Dessert Island Dishes (5) – Outrageous Chocolate Pudding

“In the beginning, God created chocolate, and He saw that it was good. Then He separated the light from the dark, and it was better.” These words from the Apocrypha affirm the importance of dark chocolate in the following celestial recipe. Continue reading Dessert Island Dishes (5) – Outrageous Chocolate Pudding

Dessert Island Dishes (4) – Voluptuous Bread and Butter Pudding

“In moments of considerable strain, I tend to take to bread-and-butter pudding. There is something about the blandness of soggy bread, the crispness of the golden outer crust and the unadulterated pleasure of a lightly set custard that makes the world seem a better place to live,” opined Sir Clement Freud, English broadcaster, writer, politician, raconteur, wit, and chef. Continue reading Dessert Island Dishes (4) – Voluptuous Bread and Butter Pudding