Pause for thought: Lucie Rie

Rie“To make pottery is an adventure to me, every new work is a new beginning. Indeed I shall never cease to be a pupil. There seems to the casual onlooker little variety in ceramic shapes and designs. But to the lover of pottery there is an endless variety of the most exciting kind. And there is nothing sensational about it only a silent grandeur and quietness.

If one should ask me whether I believe myself to be a modern potter or a potter of tradition, I would answer I don’t know and I don’t care. Art alive is always modern, no matter how old or young. Art theories have no meaning for me; beauty has. This is all my philosophy. I do not attempt to be original or different. Something which to describe I am not clever enough moves me to do what I do.”

Lucie Rie. Credo (1950).

The work of potter Dame Lucie Rie (1902-95) is recognised for its intrinsic beauty, subtlety of design, and a certain robust delicacy. Her Albion Mews studio in London was an oasis of tranquillity that belied the intense dedication to ceramic perfection of its diminutive owner.

Published by

Philip Lee

Writer and musician who tries to join up the dots.

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